About the Conference
- Highlight success stories and lessons learned
- Explore new ideas and innovations to disrupt business-as-usual
- Identify opportunities to scale up successful actions
- Catalyze cross-sectoral learning and cooperation
The event will feature a wide range of plenary sessions, debates, presentations of evidence-based analysis, rapid fire presentations, roundtable and panel discussions, and side events. The event will produce many outputs, including a book, and information tools such as videos and slide decks. The results of the conference will be summarized in a brief called “The Bangkok Accelerators” that describes the key lessons learned and actions needed to speed up the end of hunger and malnutrition. The event will also build toward the creation of a network for cross-sectoral dialogue, information sharing, coordination, advocacy, and action, both at the global and country levels. The conference is guided by an advisory council of recognized experts and practitioners on food security and nutrition.
If you are interested to know more about the conference or to participate, contact IFPRI-FAOBangkokConference@cgiar.org.